You can do better. It started one night when we realized that we were both pining over the respective guys that we were seeing (or maybe more accurately, trying to see) and evaluating our own behavior towards them, asking what we could have, should have, would have done differently.
Then we realized that we could have, should have, would have done nothing. If the way these men were treating us was making us unhappy, then why should we be questioning ourselves? And "You can do better" was born.
We realized that if someone's behavior is a source of unhappiness or discontent, then not only would we be unable to change the person to make us happier, but it wouldn't even be worth the effort! So we made a list of everything that made us unhappy, everything that we should not allow ourselves to settle for, and said that if someone we were seeing belonged on the list, then we could do better. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's heartbreaking, but it's always true. And once it was written down, it was like a big dose of reality and empowerment rolled into one.
The purpose of "You can do better" is not to set impossible standards or refuse to compromise. "You can do better" is about not compromising respect and fulfillment. It doesn't matter if he's into you or not, but if he can't pull it together for you, then you can do better!
If he never asks you how you are, then you can do better!
If he tells you that you aren't 'allowed' to get a tattoo, then details the one that he is planning to get, then you can do better!
If he doesn't notice your eyes glazing over, then you can do better!
If his interest in seeing you seems to have a direct positive correlation with your disinterest in seeing him, then you can do better!
If he has a veritable shag-rug of back hair (even if he shaves it just for you), then you can do better!
If he listens to self help books on tape to get to sleep, then you can do better.
If he suggests that you listen to his creepy self help books on tape to get to sleep (because he made you cry), then you can do better!
If he communicates important information concerning your relationship by cc'ing you on an email to someone else, then you can do better!
If he texts you asking if you're up for "a little slap and tickle," then you can do better!
If he posts a picture of his butt crack on Facebook, then you can do better!
(For the boys:)If she mistakes a picture of your brother for you and says that you look much better without your glasses, then you can do better!